Saturday, January 5, 2008

Mitt Romney Is A Moron In A Suit

"Don't make the pharmaceutical companies into the bad guys. " They are trying to do good work, says Mitt Romney at January 5th's debate.

What a moron. Tell that to the people they rip off every year. They only bother to do good work so they can make more money.

He may be a successful business person but based on the last few months of stupid comments, I can't figure out how he could sell a glass of lemonade and make money. I know he is a successful business person but either himself or his staff is terrible at giving him talking points. He changes too often (not FOR change) on so many things. He needs to get in touch with people and stop defending corporations. I've heard him do that many times on C-Span as well. It just sounds terrible as most people don't have much sympathy for big companies that sent their jobs away.



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