Monday, July 28, 2008

McOil Gets More IOUs...Err, Cash

Hmm, John McCain just got over a million from big oil companies in just a couple weeks. I wonder if that means they like what he is doing for them? Or does that mean he is on the side of consumer for tax holidays and more drilling because that will lower oil prices?

Instinct says that when big companies contribute to your campaign, then they like what you are doing for them and you will owe them more later.

What do you think about John McOil's efforts for us consumers?


Friday, July 25, 2008

Gas starts its slide for McBush

A while back I predicted that gas prices would tumble a bit as companies do anything they can to keep the Bush/McCain administration in power. Big Oil. Big Mac. McBush. Whatever term you choose for the death of high quality of life. The prices are going down. After a dime decline in average price, McCain said it was because Bush talked about offshore drilling. How stupid are people who think that approving new areas for drilling is going to affect gas prices now? How about 20 years from now? That's how long it would take to set up and see the impact of all this new drilling talk. And it's just more profit for the biggest money makers in the world.

So we'll see gas prices continue to drop until the November election and then they will shoot up afterward like they did in 2004. And remember, the average price was around $1.47 when Bush took office. Now it hangs around $4. And we're to be happy that Bush/McCain talks drop it by a dime? Whoopee.

Fossil fuel will continue to be the primary cause of the decline of mankind until we wake up.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Where is John McCain the Maverick?

What the hell happened to McCain? I actually used to like him. Back when he was the Maverick. He was honest and didn't vote all to the right or all to the left, which is the way it should be. The issue is what counts. Sometimes left is wrong and sometimes right is right.

Now he sounds like an old man who can't find his slippers in the morning. He flip flops his way down the stairs to the kitchen and holds his Cheney-Bush flag out the window to see what way the wind is blowing. He can't remember the war in Afghanistan and thinks that Czechoslovakia still exists. That's not who should be controlling the country. He might forget that women and black people have the right to vote.

He's turned into a warmonger and feels that getting shot down, being held hostage and then being a career politician makes him know how to win a war and be President. Being smart doesn't count. Using judgment doesn't count. Trying to solve problems without deaths of soldiers, big oil and private contracts doesn't count. You have to send people to die, make money for oil companies and private contractors in order to do the right thing about any situation.

Budget? Who cares about the budget. Oil companies and contractors have never been so green with cash and profit as they avoid paying taxes. That is what now counts to John McCain.

I almost feel sorry for him with him acting so confused and pathetic....Nah.
