Tuesday, August 26, 2008

McBush was a POW in Vietnam!

How many houses do you own?

John "McBush" McCain: Well I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, we didn't have houses.

What kind of car do you drive?

John "McBush" McCain: Well I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, we didn't have cars.

It's a beautiful day outside today

John "McBush" McCain: I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam and the days were not so nice outside.

You sang a song about bombing Iran. Do you really want to bomb every country in the world?

John "McBush" McCain: I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam and I didn't have any bombs to use.

You cheated on your wife...in that foreign land of Hawaii.

John "McBush" McCain: Well I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam and I didn't meet any women there.

Your wife was a drug addict and previously stole drugs from her job but Michelle Obama is a black person from the southside of Chicago.

John "McBush" McCain: I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

You had a father in the military pulling strings and you married into money. What have you done for yourself in life?

John "McBush" McCain: I wrecked a few planes, was shot down d and was a prisoner of war in Vietnam. I also participated in enemy propaganda but I didn't get attacked for it like John Kerry did before.

You are worth over a 100 million dollars. Mitt Romney is worth over 200 million and also got a great start from his dad. The Obamas made a few million on book sales and Joe Biden is only worth about $150,000 as he hasn't taken extra payoffs from corporations. Yet you attack them as being elite.

John "McBush" McCain: Well I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam and we didn't have currency converters there.

You've actually voted against most funding and benefits for veterans yet you proudly tout your history of being one.

John "McBush" McCain: Well I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam. I then cheated on my first wife who was injured in a car accident and then married into big money so I don't need any military benefits.

You have changed your position on just about every major issue facing America but you aren't being attacked on it or being called a flip-flopper.

John "McBush" McCain: Well I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam and we didn't wear flip flops.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Capitol One Sucks

The title of this post is general knowledge but I wanted to share my latest story. Yet again, they just suddenly decide to stop my account until I figure it out and call them. I was booking travel plans to go to Europe and in the middle of multiple transactions, I get declined. And of course, during that period of time, other ongoing charges get declined too. So then I have to take the time and straighten those accounts out as well.

Why aren't I grateful for this security? I don't get any emails or phone calls. They just halt the card until I take 15-30 minutes to call them. Then they want to verify a bunch of charges. The Capitol One service person is across the world and can barely speak English. So I have to verify charges that I can't really understand? How is this secure? They also turn off online access so I can't even view the recent transactions to verify what is going on with the person I can't understand.

I also have a lot of trouble with Capitol One at gas stations. The pump shuts off before I can get a full tank. With today's prices, even a $75 limit is too little. Or they halt the card as the transaction starts so I'm stuck at a gas station in the middle of nowhere hoping my cell phone has service. Then I can sit on hold in the boiling Arizona summer desert waiting to talk to someone I can't understand.

I can spend thousands of dollars and then it's triggered by some little amount. One time I spent a couple thousand on automotive repairs and then my card was halted by $1.00 gas purchase. I had to top off the mechanics loaner car's gas tank after driving it for only a few miles. So this small purchase was of more concern to them since it didn't fit my habits. I can somewhat understand that but it's annoying when they just stop a card with no notice or effort of contact first.

Luckily I continue to carry spare credit cards and can use another one when this happens. I've had other companies do this kind of thing but they usually call after that fact to check it out. If there is a problem, they know they can investigate later and get the money back. But Capitol One wants to annoy it's own customers first.


Monday, August 4, 2008

The best interests of the future

Using a little common sense, who has a better interest in the future of America. A younger president who will live a long time alongside his children and beyond the age of mass oil as an energy source in the world.

Or an old man, made much older by war injuries and reoccurring cancer, who will be gone within a few years, and who takes big checks from the oil industries?

Who is really interested in our energy future?

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cheap Advertising

A form of cheap advertising was dominant in politics this week. John McCain (aka John Big McOil, John McBush) is using the technique of creating ridiculous ads to make news. His campaign is already a schoolyard disgrace (as an AZ resident, I voted for him when we played the now obviously "strike-a-pose," maverick role) so why not go all the way. And incredibly, the news is falling for it. He doesn't have to spend money on ad buys because the news networks run the ad over and over as they talk about it. One ad was only bought 5 times in the entire country while MSNBC showed it more times than that just during one show like Hardball. And then through Race for the White House, Countdown and the Verdict. So for less than $200,000 the McCain camp gets millions in advertising. They've done it for two weeks now. They play the pathetic old man ads over and over again while Obama uses real ads that don't get played.

It has been done by private companies and corporations for years. Create a controversy and let the free advertising roll. It's a great technique but it shouldn't be used with national politics because it is so important.

How to stop it? Well, the news should only play and mention real ads. That is, they should have at least a million dollar ad buy in totality. If they are going to give away free advertising to YouTube quality crap from McCain, they should at least qualify it.

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Friday, August 1, 2008

Fox News Catching Up With 8 Year old news

Remember to look closely at any footage of John Big McOil McCain on Fox News. They have already been caught using campaign footage from 2000 so they will probably keep on doing it. Remember one of their slogans; Fox News: "Deceptive and Unbalanced for the mentally challenged viewer" Yes, lets make him look like a 65 year old man instead of a 72 year grumpy old man!
