Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Peanut Stewart Parnell is a Nut

Peanut Corp. of America owner Stewart Parnell is one of those strange cases that probably deserves worse than the death penalty to set an example. This guy has murdered at least 8 people, caused at least 600 serious illnesses and millions of dollars of costs to other companies in pulling products, sales and reputations. There isn't enough money around this guy to pay back the damages he knowingly caused. His actions put him up there with the worst mass murderers in history. He could have easily killed hundreds of people instead of losing a few sales.

This is just another example of the greed at all costs that comes from the Bush administration and recent Republican viewpoints. They encourage behavior that leads people to die and kill others. Whether knowingly like this guy did or driving people to kill themselves and possibly their families while the executives get high pay offs and extravagant trips. They don't care how many people die, starve, lose jobs or have miserable lives as long as they can make a dollar off it.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Republicans Still Lost

Most of government is lost these days but the Republicans are especially silly these days. Michael Steele, the new resident Republican in the Moron Chair keeps saying that government has never created a single job. Uh, aren't all federal, state and local positions jobs? We're paying for them. If they're not jobs, why are we paying them? He should give back his past salaries if he never had a job in government all those years. He says spending project jobs like construction jobs eventually end. Don't all construction jobs end and then something else comes up? No construction job is permit.

Steele just said that Bush inherited a great recession from Clinton. I don't really recall it that way. Another Republican said that Bush inherited the effects of 9/11. There is some revisionist history. I thought that W was President at that time. Maybe he was just playing the role, not actually doing the job. I could go with that. He spent more than a third of his eight years on vacation so I guess he wasn't really President.

So the Republicans are still lost. They want high salaries for banks defrauding America but they don't want unemployment benefits for normal people. They want tax cuts for the rich and no new jobs for the average person. They just don't have a clue. People like Andy Card come out talking about a dress code in the oval office when there are photos of every president in the last 40 years not wearing a jacket the same way. Who cares?

Democrats are following the trail into the woods by adding stupid things to a bill. The first large President Obama bill should have been pure construction projects, energy, education and job creation. No crap at all. They could add more stuff later and do other less attention grabbing bills. This was a Pelosi disaster.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Capitol One Sucks

The title of this post is general knowledge but I wanted to share my latest story. Yet again, they just suddenly decide to stop my account until I figure it out and call them. I was booking travel plans to go to Europe and in the middle of multiple transactions, I get declined. And of course, during that period of time, other ongoing charges get declined too. So then I have to take the time and straighten those accounts out as well.

Why aren't I grateful for this security? I don't get any emails or phone calls. They just halt the card until I take 15-30 minutes to call them. Then they want to verify a bunch of charges. The Capitol One service person is across the world and can barely speak English. So I have to verify charges that I can't really understand? How is this secure? They also turn off online access so I can't even view the recent transactions to verify what is going on with the person I can't understand.

I also have a lot of trouble with Capitol One at gas stations. The pump shuts off before I can get a full tank. With today's prices, even a $75 limit is too little. Or they halt the card as the transaction starts so I'm stuck at a gas station in the middle of nowhere hoping my cell phone has service. Then I can sit on hold in the boiling Arizona summer desert waiting to talk to someone I can't understand.

I can spend thousands of dollars and then it's triggered by some little amount. One time I spent a couple thousand on automotive repairs and then my card was halted by $1.00 gas purchase. I had to top off the mechanics loaner car's gas tank after driving it for only a few miles. So this small purchase was of more concern to them since it didn't fit my habits. I can somewhat understand that but it's annoying when they just stop a card with no notice or effort of contact first.

Luckily I continue to carry spare credit cards and can use another one when this happens. I've had other companies do this kind of thing but they usually call after that fact to check it out. If there is a problem, they know they can investigate later and get the money back. But Capitol One wants to annoy it's own customers first.
